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earning it
We’re not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. At AGENCYOF, we meet our clients where they’re at to better understand their businesses and the people they serve. From 3AM pit master trainings to executing multi-channel media campaigns to working a storefront – we’re always open to opportunity.
We’re not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. At AGENCYOF, we meet our clients where they’re at to better understand their businesses and the people they serve. From 3AM pit master trainings to executing multi-channel media campaigns to working a storefront – we’re always open to opportunity.
illustration, bear inside of a fridge
illustration, snacks and coffee mugs
our values
Be eager to explore without the fear of being wrong.
Dream big to redefine what’s possible for you, your team, and your clients.
Be open about your experience in service of  your personal and professional growth.
Embrace healthy tension with your team and your clients to produce  exceptional work.
Decide nothing and give yourself the freedom of choice; you can choose to do tomorrow what you didn’t choose today.
Know that you are unlimited; whatever you want, you deserve. Anything is possible.
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the team
Cameron Baraban
Founder & CEO, Strategy
headshot of Cam
Cameron Baraban
Founder & CEO, Strategy
Matt Ornduff
Account Director, Strategy
Matt Ornduff
Account Director, Strategy
headshot of Matt
Kelly Bishop
Account Director, Strategy
image of Kelly
Kelly Bishop
Account Director, Strategy
Alex Tash
Chief Technology Officer, Software Engineer
image of Alex Tash
Alex Tash
Chief Technology Officer, Software Engineer
Kit Hunnell
Senior UX Designer
headshot, Kit Hunnel
Kit Hunnell
Senior UX Designer
Associate Creative Director
headshot of Dee
Deidre Hayden
Associate Creative Director
Senior Art Director
headshot of Hillary
Hillary Schmitz
Senior Art Director
Jordan Ridge
Director, Social Media
headshot of Jordan
Jordan Ridge
Director, Social Media
Danika Holcomb
Social Media Manager
headshot of Danika
Danika Holcomb
Social Media Manager
Macy Heckadon
Account + Social Media Coordinator
headshot of Macy
Macy Heckadon
Account + Social Media Coordinator
Roxy Tash
Attorney at Paw
image of Roxy
Roxy Tash
Attorney at Paw
Louie Ornduff
The Bodyguard
image of Loui
Louie Ornduff
The Bodyguard
Piper Holcomb
VP Pawple
image of Piper
Piper Holcomb
VP Pawple
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